Let’s make a Periscope and learn about Mirrors and Optics!

Hey 007 family!

If you could have a spy sight power, what would it be? See through walls? See around corners? Extreme magnification? Night Vision? Heat signatures? Heart beating? The possibilities are amazing! And all of those are real!

Today, we’re creating our own extreme sight device by making a periscope to see around corners, over walls, into gutters…

We’ll need some hearty engineers and investigative spyhunters to help take this activity to the next level as we learn about optics and mirrors!s

See you in a few hours!

Dr. Erica and Evan

Parent Takeaway – This is another engineering challenge but if you want to go covert you can totally decorate your final project!

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/ucWmKKNib_g

Wednesday: Extreme sight (Physics/Engineering)

Activity: Make a periscope

See around corners or above tall fences as you secretly collect intel and learn about mirrors and optics (the study of light)


  • Two square mirrors OR a CD (parent help will be needed to cut the CD)
  • Thin cardboard (like a cereal box)
  • Scissors
  • Tape