Visiting Earth
Geocahce Coordinates: 47.6238,-122.5160 | 47°37’23.6N 122°30’56.5W
True Values
Distance from the Sun: 92,960,000 miDiameter: 7,916 mi
Modeled Values
Modeled distance from the Sun: 537 feetModeled diameter: 0.55 inchesGeocache Main Page
Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only known inhabited planet in the observable universe. Earth is also the densest planet in our Solar system and the largest planet of all the rocky terrestrials. About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered in liquid water, a trait deemed necessary for life as we know it.
In our model, Earth has been shrunk down to a mere half inch in diameter, just about the size of a dime.
Earth is one of the four terrestrial planets and thus made up of hard, rocky materials.
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